The Missing Ingredient for a Happy Gut and a Happy Life

nutrition & wellness

Your gut health is the key to feeling good, and it goes way beyond just having a good poop. In fact, your digestive health directly impacts your emotions, sleep, and brain function.

If you find yourself suffering from:

  • mood swings, struggling to sleep
  • experiencing constant inflammation
  • battling back pain
  • dealing with dehydration
  • having relentless sweet and salty cravings

there's a good chance your gut is very unhappy!

Leaky gut syndrome is becoming an epidemic, and what's tricky about it is that you could have it for years without even knowing. But suddenly, a whole host of symptoms can arise. 

So what is leaky gut and how does it happen?

Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a condition in which the lining of the intestines becomes damaged and allows toxins, bacteria, and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream. This can trigger an immune response and lead to a variety of symptoms and health issues. 

Imagine your gut as a faucet that has a slow leak. This slow leaky drip can go on for years, releasing toxins into your gut. As long as these toxins stay contained, they won't cause much harm beyond destroying your good bacteria (which is a big deal but I'm trying not to scare you)!

But when the leaking becomes constant, it eventually overflows throughout your body. And that's when things get really unpleasant, both emotionally and physically. 

But don't worry, there's a solution. Repairing a leaky gut involves flooding your intestines daily with high-quality probiotics.

The key is daily...and not daily for a few weeks. DAILY for the rest of your life.

Of course, taking a few days off every once in a while is fine but we need to keep the good bacteria thriving inside our ecosystem.

In today's world, we're bombarded with toxins from our food, air, water, medications, vaccines, stress, and more. That's why taking probiotics daily is a must. It helps ensure that we have more good bacteria than bad bacteria in our system, such as candida and parasites.

To learn more about the importance of taking probiotics and how they can improve your overall gut health, watch this week's video.

It's crucial to understand that not all probiotics are created equal. You want to make sure you're taking one that will remain alive and effective once it reaches your intestines.

My favorite trusted probiotic is Latero-Flora from Global Healing.  Global healing also has a great candida support bundle that includes Latero-Flora probiotics, enzymes, oxy-powder (ozonated magnesium and citric acid) & candida balance. This is a great place to start if you want to give your digestion some love and help balance you're candida. Click Here for bundle.

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