The Hydration Myth

nutrition & wellness

 Ways to Mineralize Your Water 

1) Himalayan Salt

  • Add a pinch of Himalayan salt in your water. Up to 1 Tablespoon per day
  • Add 1 teaspoon of Sole* to 32oz water 

Sole Recipe

Do not store sole water in metal containers. The high salt concentration can cause wear on some metal products. Use jar with plastic lid. 

  • Fill 1/4th of the jar with Himalayan salt and rest of it with water.
  • After sealing the jar shake and let it rest overnight.
  • In the morning, you will notice that the water will be fully saturated. If there is still some undissolved salt left at the bottom, leave it for some more time.
  • Once all the salt has dissolved, it is ready to be used.

2) Add Trace Ocean Minerals (from Activation Products) to your water. Start with 1/2 teaspoon per day for 6 months. Then go to 1 teaspoon per day for another 6 months. 



It's important to remember that sometimes the simplest things can have the biggest impact on our health.


Take hydration, for example.


Many people don't realize that chronic dehydration can lead to a whole host of health problems. It's not just about drinking enough water, though.


There's a big difference between general hydration vs. cellular hydration. When you learn how to hydrate at a cellular level, it can be a game changer. Your cells will be nourished, and you'll actually feel good. Your body can start to heal and rebuild.

Unfortunately, a lot of the marketing around hydration is misleading...

  • Energy drinks
  • bottled water
  • and, electrolyte additives

...are often filled with chemicals, sugar, and artificial flavors and colors.

These things won't actually help you become hydrated. And, even many mineral supplements aren't created in the right form to penetrate the cell wall. The molecules are too large to be absorbed by your cells. 

If you want to become hydrated at the cellular level, you need to be smart about the kind of water you're drinking. Avoid plastic bottled water, alkaline water, and tap water.

Instead, try drinking structured or EZ (Exclusion Zone) water that's been filtered & mineralized. 

Cellular hydration happens when you are consuming water that can penetrate the cell wall..daily! In order for that to happen, the water needs to be:

  • a structure that your cells can recognize
  • clean from all contaminants & byproducts 
  • minerally-balanced

Are you ready to up-level your water drinking and become cellular hydrated?


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