The Trap of the Modern Wellness Journey

lifestyle & mindset

Why is it so difficult for so many people to create a sustainable lifestyle diet? 

In my experience, from my personal life and working with many clients in the coaching capacity it's easy to get stuck always wanting to experiment with your diet. From trying different supplements, diets, systems, structures, popular cleanses, detoxes it’s soo easy to always be experimenting with something new. 

It’s good to experiment however, if you're always jumping from one diet system to the next you’ll never really understand and feel what's actually working or not working. 

And this is the trap of the modern day wellness journey...

I find it fascinating to witness the MORE knowledge we have as a society, the MORE sick the world seems to become. 

Trust me, for many years I struggled trying to find the perfect diet. As a midlife woman, I’ve come to realize that the best diet for me is NOT following anyone else's system or plan.

Now, I’m on a beautiful journey of going back to the basics and consciously eating as much nutrients as I can from:

  • regenerative farms
  • cutting edge superfoods & supplements
  • raw dairy
  • farm fresh eggs
  • produce grown from local farms (as much as possible)
  • and, lots of whole foods grown naturally (i.e. not created in a lab)

This is the work that I love to do. The heart of my coaching philosophy is to guide you into deepening your relationship with yourself and creating an eating style that works for you. There are foundational nutrients everyone needs and then there are unique things you need for your body depending on where you are in your life cycle, where you live, lifestyle, etc. 

Assisting you in finding your missing ingredients to feeling optimal nourishment is the magical medicine I can infuse as your guide. 

In this weeks video: 

  • Discover the power of real nourishment: I share my personal journey with food and how it led me to become a highly skilled nutritionist.
  • Gain clarity on the three levels of dieting: I break down the three levels of dieting (cleansing/healing/detoxing, experiential & lifestyle/ maintenance) and I give examples on how they can be used to create a diet that works for you.
  • Learn how to trust yourself and your body: I emphasize the importance of learning to trust yourself and your body when it comes to creating a diet that works for you. You'll discover how to nourish your body emotionally and spiritually, and find a way of eating that is sustainable and enjoyable.

If you're ready to finally find a sustainable and enjoyable way of eating & living, join me in this journey towards optimal nourishment.  Go HERE to see the ways we can work together towards finding your missing ingredients to feeling your best self.

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Enjoy recipes & inspiration for eating, living & feeling WELL through REAL nourishment.